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John Packer, Marching Baritone JP2053, O'Malley Musical Instruments
John Packer Marching Baritone JP2053

John Packer Marching Baritone JP2053

O'Malley Musical InstrumentsOut of Stock

Product Description

The JP2053 Marching Baritone has darker tone than a trombone yet brighter than a euphonium and will add a very rich sound to your band.

The JP2053 Marching Baritone is distinguished by its darker tone compared to a trombone, yet brighter than a euphonium. This unique tonal quality adds a rich and distinctive sound to your marching band, making it an ideal addition for enhanced musical depth.

With an ideally balanced design, the JP2053 ensures comfort and playability for musicians in a marching band setting. This instrument is widely used across the USA in college stadiums and high school bands. Moreover, marching instruments, including the JP2053, are gaining popularity in Europe, finding a place not only in traditional marching bands but also in jazz and street bands. Experience the versatility and rich sound of the JP2053 Marching Baritone, a valuable asset for any marching ensemble.


  • With it's large bore and forward facing 10" bell, the marching baritone has a super dark sound, perfect for blending within an ensemble or band
  • Stainless steel valves with nylon valve guides
  • A lyre box
  • 3 lever water keys

Model: JP2053, JP2053S

  • Key: Bb
  • Bell Size: High Grade Brass 254mm (10")
  • Valves: Piston 3
  • Bore: Large 14.50mm (.571")
  • Waterkey: Lever 3
  • Body: High Grade Brass
  • Finish: Lacquer (JP2053), Silver Plate (JP2053S)
  • Lyre Box: Yes

The JP2054 Marching Euphonium is supplied with a strong ABS hard plastic case, as well as a mouthpiece, valve oil and tuning slide grease.

All JP instruments are covered by a 2 year warranty. For more details visit our Warranty Page.

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